119 Marketing Tips for Niche-Specific Businesses with Jason Linett

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The last five letters of the word ‘attraction’ is ACTION – so there has to be that moment of getting out there, producing the content, listening to your audience. What are those things that I can help solve in a much more direct way?

Jason Linett is an expert at helping organizations and the people within them create powerful change and sharpen their strategies.

As a speaker, author, and hypnotist, Jason has put in more than fifteen years of professional study and on-the-job experience tracking how top performers in many industries achieve astounding results.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • How to market yourself in a very specific niche

  • Standing out in your own niche

  • Worst advice he’s received

  • Simplifying the referral process

  • Using social media in new ways

  • Rethinking old marketing strategies

  • Turning every opportunity into assets

  • How to gain momentum in your business

  • What moves people to make a change

  • Finding strength in being vulnerable

Check out the full episode!


Marketing Tips for People In Specific Niches

In terms of starting a business, it’s always helpful to start to define who is that ideal client avatar. Who is that person you’re looking for? So while you might think I’d have to sell the hypnosis, I really need to build everything from the perspective that people are already looking for this, so let me now lead with a value, lead with content, so they’re able to make that educated decision.

So in terms of any aspect of what we do in our work, where is that audience already gathering? What are the things they are already looking for and how can we help them make that buying decision?

Rather than asking the question, “What can I sell them?” it’s better to ask, “What can I give them? What experience can I share with them?”

Using Old Tools for New Things

One thing that holds people back sometimes is that we like to stand off and say, “That doesn’t work.” Some people don’t try writing articles for magazines because they believe that print media is dead, or perhaps they believe that Facebook won’t work because it’s oversaturated. But rather than not venturing into things because you think they won’t work, you can think about it differently and say, “Well, how can I make that work better? How do I enhance that?”

It’s not about the platform, it’s the strategy.

Simplifying the Referral Process

Sometimes in the game of getting business referrals, it’s to not that the person doesn’t like you and that’s why they’re not sending referrals, it’s that you did not make it easy for them to send the referrals.

For example, there’s this chiropractor who would refer me to her clients all the time. She’s the type who drinks eight cups of espressos a day, and so there’s just this natural excitement about her. And so whenever she makes the referrals, it’s a bit much because of all the excitement that she has.

So recognizing that that wasn’t necessarily the buying decision strategy of some of her patients, what I did was I swung by her office and dropped off a bunch of CDs so that if she ever thought of referring me to her patients, she can just give them one of these CDs and she could say something like, “Hey, you should listen to this. This is someone of the local area and this is a great way to meet him even before you call him.” So in that way, I made the referral process easier for her.


Chris Spurvey

I give entrepreneurs the tools, tactics and mind-set to succeed at sales.


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